- 我们相信圣经是神的话语。它是完全真实的,包含了我们认识神、与神同行所需的一切。
- 我们相信独一真神,祂永恒地存在于圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体之中。祂是完全圣洁、至高无上、全然良善的。
- 我们相信耶稣基督是神的儿子。祂是完全的人,也是完全的神;是独一的主和救主。祂为我们的罪死,并且在第三天复活。
- 我们相信救恩是本乎恩,也因着信得的。对于所有悔改相信的人来说,这是一个免费的礼物;救恩是人无法赚取的,但却能彻底改变我们的今生和永恒。
- 我们相信教会。神设立教会,是为了让祂的子民聚集在一起,彼此关怀,更加效法耶稣,并在万国中传扬福音,使万民作主的门徒。
- 我们相信耶稣会再来。祂要回来审判活人死人,定那些拒绝祂的人有罪,使他们灭亡;并赐给跟随祂的人永生作为奖赏。
- 我们相信天堂和地狱都是真实的。地狱是所有远离耶稣的人永远的、可怕的归宿;而天堂是所有信靠耶稣的人永远的、充满满足的、与神同在的家。
我们是2019年7月在加拿大BC省根据《社团法》注册成立非盈利法人机构 (注册号:S0071660)。我们的一切行为都遵守加拿大联邦和BC省的相关法律法规。我们不介入任何政治问题,并坚决反对任何仇恨言论。
About Us
We are the Church of Christ in Richmond, a Chinese evangelical Christian church located in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Rooted locally, our vision extends globally. We are actively developing a worldwide Mandarin online evangelistic ministry, dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and His salvation to the Chinese community around the globe. Our “Walk With You” website (yunitongxing.org) serves as the main website for both the Church of Christ in Richmond and our online evangelistic ministry. It is a digital asset of the Church of Christ in Richmond, used solely for our online evangelistic ministry.
We believe the good news of the gospel is not confined to our church walls, but meant to be shared with all Chinese-speaking churches and individuals. By harnessing the power of the internet and technology, we aim to connect individuals and churches, building a strong network of faith and mutual support. Through this connection and sharing, we envision brothers and sisters everywhere being nurtured and growing in their walk with God and His ministry.
Our ultimate goal is to expand the Kingdom of God by bringing more people to experience the love and redemption offered through Jesus Christ.
Our Beliefs
- We believe the Bible is God’s Word. It’s completely true and contains all we need to know and walk with God.
- We believe in one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is perfectly holy, sovereign, and good.
- We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is fully man and fully God, the one and only Lord and Savior, who died for our sins and was raised on the third day.
- We believe that salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ. It is a free gift for all who repent and believe; it’s impossible to earn, but it will completely transform our life and eternity.
- We believe in the Church. God designed His people to be gathered into churches to care for each other, grow more like Jesus, and make disciples among all nations.
- We believe that Jesus is coming back. He will return to judge the living and the dead, condemning those who reject Him to perish, but rewarding His followers with eternal life.
- We believe Heaven and Hell are real. Hell is the eternal, horrifying destination for all who turn from Jesus, and Heaven is the eternal, satisfying home of God with all who trust in Jesus.
Legal Statement
We are a registered non-profit society in British Columbia, Canada (Registration Number: S0071660), incorporated on July 12, 2019, at 11:20 AM Pacific Time under the Societies Act. All our activities comply with the applicable laws and regulations of Canada and British Columbia. We do not engage in any political matters and firmly oppose all hate speech.